Therapeutic Services Provided
Services Provided:
Services Provided for Age Groups:
Common Issues:
We accept most major insurance plans. We will submit a claim directly to your insurance carrier. If you have any questions about your insurance coverage, please contact your insurance provider. We understand that insurance can be very confusing and we would be more than happy to help you figure out your insurance plan if you need the support.
Cancellation Policy:
We understand that life happens and you may need to cancel your appointment - whether your children get sick or you experience transportation issues. There are many things that happen that are out of our control. The point of therapy is to help with your well-being, not contribute to your stress. We will grant a one time a year "excused absence" where you will not be subject to any cancellation fee. If you are able to reschedule your appointment within the same week, you will not be subject to any cancellation fee. If you cancel within 24-hours of your therapy appointment without being able to reschedule in the same week, you will be subject to a $60.00 late fee. If you do not contact your therapist at all before your therapy appointment, you will be subject to a $100.00 "no show/no contact" fee.
Cancellation Policy:
We understand that life happens and you may need to cancel your appointment - whether your children get sick or you experience transportation issues. There are many things that happen that are out of our control. The point of therapy is to help with your well-being, not contribute to your stress. We will grant a one time a year "excused absence" where you will not be subject to any cancellation fee. If you are able to reschedule your appointment within the same week, you will not be subject to any cancellation fee. If you cancel within 24-hours of your therapy appointment without being able to reschedule in the same week, you will be subject to a $60.00 late fee. If you do not contact your therapist at all before your therapy appointment, you will be subject to a $100.00 "no show/no contact" fee.